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Hardware transcoding for Jellyfin

Hardware transcoding for Jellyfin

After relying on MiniDLNA for a long time I switched to Jellyfin as my media server. And I decided to give transcoding on-the-fly a go. Getting it to work wasn’t difficult but not as easy as toggling a switch either....

RHEL 9 and msmtp

RHEL 9 and msmtp

I use msmtp as a simple SMTP relay to forward system messages to my Gmail address. After upgrading Rocky Linux to version 9, I noticed msmtp isn’t (yet?) available in the repositories. So I built it myself.

Pihole and OpenWRT

Pihole and OpenWRT

Pi-hole is a DNS server you run on your own network which filters out any unwanted lookups and therefore reduces your bandwidth usage. I installed it in a Podman container and configured my OpenWRT box.

Finishing Rocky setup

Finishing Rocky setup

After the basic installation of Rocky Linux, it’s time to finish the setup. We’re preparing the system to actually deploy useful stuff.
